Sunday, April 18, 2010


Spring is in full bloom, and the Goddess has awaken from her slumber.
The following poem was submitted by a friend who follows a personal path of belief that has similarities to our beloved Wicca.

Gift of life

The seasons bring you both a new being.
The warming of a mother's womb.
Bringing pristine life that removes the absences that loom.
Certainly a gift growing.
By spring the fresh life will be showing.
You both glowing like a light filled room,
Consuming love like the fragrance of a lilacs perfume.
The transition of seasons a prelude to all the love you both will bring.

How this will change thy lives,
An irreplaceable fulfillment.
For today you will contemplate, perhaps even insinuate.
However, that day will define the most glories prize.
The birth of your first child,
The single greatest achievement.
A blossoming culmination that will bring tears to your eyes.

By: J. W. Widdowson

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merry Meet!

Merry meet fellow Wiccans! I am the Barracuda, practitioner of Wicca since 1989. By saying practitioner, that is when I formally embraced the path of the wise. I was raised Catholic, but the Old Religions have been a part of my life from birth as my parents set out to ground me firmly in the history and religions of my Nordic ancestors. It was the arrival of my daughter that finally sparked my return home. Since that time I have studied, observed, and passed what I've learned on to others.

Here in this new and exciting media I seek to create a common ground where we, as Wiccans, can learn, grow, and interact. I welcome and encourage feedback on postings. It will be you, the individual practitioner, that determines the success or failure of this project. Too often within our community I have seen valiant efforts abandoned due to either overwhelming the author/publisher, or changing interests. In either case, the key is communication, and that's where you come in. Let me know how we're doing and any suggestions or comments you are inspired to submit.

For now, merry part and Blessed Be!
